Info about the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is a Statutory Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer and the Immediate Past President. Both the Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer are members of the Executive Committee, but they do not vote. The Officers are chosen for and expected to provide responsible leadership to the Society and the Board.
The Executive Committee is responsible to the Board for the conduct of all matters relevant to the Society. Between scheduled Board Meetings, the Executive Committee shall carry out the affairs of the Society. Decisions made are subject to approval at the next scheduled Board Meeting. The Executive Committee is not empowered to enter into any contracts of a fiscal nature until these have been approved by the Board.
The Executive Committee is expected to provide general leadership for the Society and develop policy initiatives for subsequent Board approval. Meetings and participants shall be at the call of the chair and there shall be a minimum of six meetings annually. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for recommendation to the Board of a recipient for the Citizen of the Year Award. Under extraordinary circumstances and at its sole discretion, the Executive Committee may consider and provide assistance to financially distressed Scots, who have filed written application with the Society.